Hello there !
Being a Solo Entrepreneur or Small Business owner can be tough can't it?
I know, I have been doing it for 23 years!
I've created a brand with a £7million turnover, taken another out of administration to profitability, and finally settled on becoming a Mentor using all that experience to support other Solo Business Owners from Start-Up to Scale... and guess what?

I'm Nikki, Award-Winning Mentor,
Prolific Networker
and your Biggest Cheerleader..
& What's More, I've Always Got Your Back!
It's All About Your Business
Your Story
Your Growth
"In our mentoring sessions, Nikki helped me to dream big, pushed me out of my comfort zone whilst also holding my hand and cheering me on from the sidelines"
Is This You?
I believe I know some things about you and your current situation...
I know you're a Solo Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner or Start-Up who dreams of having a truly successful business.
Currently you're struggling to find a Mentor or Coach to give you the right support and remove those barriers to growth, right?
You often find yourself getting in your own way.
So, let me ask you a question...
Wouldn't it feel amazing if you could have a clear strategy, be accountable and kept on track, and have a road map to success?
Because if you could do those things, ultimately, that would mean you could to create a profitable business and avoid all that overwhelm, stress and second guessing (which would be amazing!)
I understand there are could be some roadblocks for you here, including figuring out and overcoming:
Mental blocks and changing your mindset
Lack of strategy
Too many distractions
Sound familiar?
No-Nonsense, Straight-Talking Advice
"There is no shortage of remarkable ideas
What's missing is the will to execute them"
Seth Godin
You are also really frustrated by the fact that it's hard to focus on one thing, Not enough time to do everything... and when you are struggling you don't have have a sounding board?
Do you constantly ask yourself these questions about how to move forward:
How do I find someone who understand my business and gives great advice?
How can I attract the right kind of customers?
How do I make my marketing more effective?
And do you ever find yourself thinking "It's too much for one person.." or "I need to have more staff.." and "It must be too expensive to have a mentor?"
I know I did!
And sometimes no matter what you do it just plain feels like the litte voice in you head actively tries tosabotage your success.
I know exactly how you feel because I've been there myself... more than once!
My guess is you really just want to create a profitable business, which enables you to Live the life you want , and not feel overwhelmed, lost or confused. Yes?
If any of this sounds familiar, then I'm sure my services will be exactly right for you.
after all if we don't click we won't be a good fit!
Explore My Support
I work with Start-Ups, Solo Entrepreneurs and SME's but they all have
ONE THING in common - they are generally stuck and need help moving forward.
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